Dr. Yeko Discusses the Ability for Women to Freeze Their Eggs to Increase the Chance of Conceiving Later

Posted on May 26, 2015 by Inception Fertility

By Linda Hurtado

Like a lot of women, 34-year-old Liz Kelly said she has always wanted to be a mother.

But her career is important to her, and so is finding the right person.

After working in the fertility industry for years, Liz was well aware that her age was related to her chances of having a child biologically.

“Hearing about it every day struck a cord with me.  It seemed sort of careless of me not to take advantage of the fact that I can’t stop myself from aging.  I can’t fall in love overnight, but I am able to stop the aging of my eggs,” said Kelly.

She decided to increase her chances of conceiving by freezing her eggs.

She said the process took about two months.

“I saw a reproductive endocrinologist to get blood work done, and then I met with her again to review my blood work so she could figure out what kind of medication to give me and what my dosage would be.  We figured out my protocol and when my next cycle would start, and we ordered the medication.  I started the medication and I took it for 10 days and then they retrieved my eggs.”

Dr. Timothy Yeko of The Reproductive Medicine Group believes the option gives women like Liz insurance for their future.

“I think if they freeze their eggs, then the advantage will be that even though they come back in their forties, they’re going to get pregnant like a 30-year-old if they froze their eggs in their thirties.

The cost of freezing and storing eggs isn’t cheap. Dr. Yeko said it can run up to $12,000 and stored in liquid nitrogen.

They can be stored indefinitely, and “they can be sent to other clinics if a woman or a couple moves,” said Dr. Yeko.

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