Using a Gestational Carrier

What is a Gestational Carrier?

A gestational carrier (GC) is a woman who chooses and legally arranges to carry and deliver a baby for an intended parent or parents. With the help of in vitro fertilization (IVF), an embryo is created using the intended parent(s) gametes ("autologous IVF"), donor eggs, donor sperm, or some combination of autologous and donor tissue, before being transferred to the GC's uterus. A gestational carrier has no genetic connection to the child she carries.

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When Should a Gestational Carrier be Used?

A person or couple may use a gestational carrier when the intended mother:

  • does not have a uterus.
  • has a problem with her uterus that prevents her from carrying a pregnancy.
  • has a medical condition that prevents her from safely experiencing pregnancy.
  • experienced recurrent pregnancy loss.
  • experienced multiple unexplained failures with IVF.

Furthermore, a couple may not include a female partner. Single male intended parents or a gay couple may choose to use a gestational carrier.

What do I need to do in order to use a gestational carrier?

Once you select your agency and gestational carrier, our special services department will guide you through surrogacy. Our donor coordinators work closely with your selected agency and your gestational carrier throughout the process.

At the Reproductive Medicine Group, we work closely with surrogacy agencies and specialized Reproductive Law attorneys. Both the agency and the attorney will help you to obtain a gestational carrier. They will create a legal document that you will need in order to proceed with treatment at our fertility clinic.