Financing Options

Financing Your Infertility Treatment

If your insurance does not include fertility benefits or your benefits are limited, fertility loan options are available to assist you with financing your treatments as well as infertility testing. These programs include:

Fertility Loan Programs Through:

IVF Cost Reduction through Donor Program

The Reproductive Medicine Group offers a unique shared egg donation program for patients 33 and younger who are planning to undergo in vitro fertilization (IVF). Female patients diagnosed with:

  • tubal factor infertility
  • male factor infertility
  • or unexplained infertility

may be able to undergo an In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) cycle and donate half of the eggs retrieved to an anonymous recipient couple.

This significant discount is compensation for your time and effort in your donation of half of your cycle. Many couples who qualify opt to take advantage of the reduced cost of IVF through this program, which makes IVF more affordable.

The program is anonymous; no identifying information is released to either couple. Neither couple will know if the other couple achieved conception.

Shared donation does not affect the chance of pregnancy; rates remain at approximately 60%.

The costs for the IVF cycle for the woman who is donating as well as for the recipient are shared, resulting in considerable savings for both couples.