Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET): What is it and How to Prepare

Posted on July 16, 2024 by Inception Fertility

The journey to parenthood can be a unique and challenging experience for many couples. With advancements in reproductive technology, options such as Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET) have provided new pathways to conception. Understanding what FET involves and how to prepare for it can help alleviate some of the anxiety associated with this process.

What is a Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET)?

A Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET) is a part of the in vitro fertilization (IVF) process. It involves thawing and transferring previously frozen embryos into a woman’s uterus. This procedure allows embryos created in a previous IVF cycle to be stored for future use. FET offers several benefits:

  1. Reduced Costs: Since embryos are already created, there’s no need for additional egg retrieval procedures, which can be costly.
  2. Flexibility: It allows couples to take a break between the egg retrieval and the embryo transfer, which can be physically and emotionally beneficial.
  3. Improved Success Rates: Advances in freezing techniques, particularly vitrification, have significantly improved the survival rates of embryos during the thawing process, leading to higher pregnancy rates.

The FET Process

The FET process can be broken down into several key steps:

Preparation: At the Reproductive Medicine Group, you will discuss your cycle and care plan with your fertility specialist. Imaging and blood work may be ordered before you begin the process to ensure the uterus is in the best possible condition to receive the embryo. Additionally, your IVF Coordinator will review the process with you and schedule any appointments you may need.

Embryo Selection: If your embryos were genetically tested, you and your care team will review the preimplantation genetic testing (PGT) results to confirm embryo selection.

Medications and Monitoring: At the Reproductive Medicine Group, the ART (assisted reproductive technology) department will coordinate your FET cycle. You will be scheduled for a baseline FET appointment and given instructions on when to start your medications. After verifying everything looks as expected, you will start medications at home. Throughout the next 10-12 days, we will monitor your uterine lining development and hormone levels.

Thawing: On the day of the transfer, your embryo is carefully thawed in our laboratory.

Transfer: The embryo is then placed into the uterus using a thin catheter. This is a quick and generally painless procedure that rarely requires anesthesia.

Post Transfer Pregnancy Test: A blood test is usually performed about 9-11 days after the transfer to determine if the embryo has implanted successfully. If positive, you will be scheduled for a repeat test and ultrasound. Your care team may instruct you to continue taking medications during this time. It is imperative that patients continue to take their medications as directed for the duration of their care.

How to Prepare for a Frozen Embryo Transfer

Preparing for a FET involves both physical and emotional readiness. Here are some essential steps to consider:

Medical Preparation

Consult with Your Physician: When you are ready to start a frozen embryo transfer (FET) cycle, schedule a consultation with your fertility specialist to discuss your medical history, previous IVF cycles, and any concerns you might have. Your consultation is the perfect time to ask all your questions so you can go into your cycle with confidence.

Medication: Medications are administered to prepare the uterine lining. Follow your doctor’s instructions closely regarding any medications you need to take.

Tests and Screenings: Prepare to undergo tests, such as blood work or ultrasounds. These tests help ensure your body is ready for the transfer.

Lifestyle Adjustments

Healthy Diet: Eating a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals can help prepare your body for pregnancy. Focus on foods that support hormonal balance and uterine health.

Exercise: Engaging in moderate exercise helps maintain a healthy weight and reduces stress. However, you should avoid high-intensity workouts.

Stress Management: Techniques such as yoga, meditation, and acupuncture can help manage stress and promote relaxation.

Emotional Preparation

Support System: Lean on your partner, family, and friends for support. There are also many support groups for individuals going through similar experiences.

Counseling: Professional counseling can help address any fears or anxieties you may have about the process and the potential outcomes.

Mindfulness: Practice mindfulness and relaxation techniques to maintain a positive mindset throughout the process.


Frozen Embryo Transfer is a remarkable option that offers hope to many couples struggling with infertility. By understanding what FET entails and how to prepare for it, you can approach the process with confidence and optimism. Remember, every journey to parenthood is unique, and taking the time to prepare both physically and emotionally can make a significant difference in your experience and outcome.

If you are ready to start your journey towards parenthood, schedule a consultation. Our award-winning fertility experts are here to help!

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